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A member registered Jan 08, 2021

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Thanks! Appreciate it. Our team will definitely give the credits when we finish our game.

(1 edit)

Hi.  Thank you for the sprite pack! We have already utilized some of them in our templates in Unity. 

I probably  have a weird question and you may not have an answer to it. But can we use these sprites for creating our Unity 2D game? We want to have a game, where character can move both left, right and forward, backward, just like your sprites and animation supposed to work. So, the game would have 2D graphics logic like in Among US, but with pixel sprites. Can this be achieved using Unity 2D game engine only, or we have to use Unity 3D features for things like getting behind an object or standing in front of it? Thanks, if you have any ideas.

P.S. I think this could be achieved, by dynamically changing order in layer property of our character, but it seems quite cumbersome and I'm not sure it's the best way to do it.